3 Laws of Nutrition and Hormonal and Postpartum Health: a discussion with Sacred Window

3 Laws of Nutrition and Hormonal and Postpartum Health: a discussion with Sacred Window

Summary: Dr. Welch discusses the profound importance of hormonal health and the tectonic shifts that occur throughout our lives, with Christine Eck of the Center for Sacred Window Studies. She emphasized the role of oxytocin in creating a receptive matrix for the formation of new neural pathways, underscoring the significance of connection and safety, particularly during the postpartum period. Dr. Welch’s insights shed light on the transformative power of these liminal spaces, where the body and mind undergo profound changes.

Welch delved into the three fundamental laws of tissue nutrition in Ayurveda: irrigation, selectivity, and transformation. She explained how the body’s tissues possess an innate intelligence, selectively drawing from the circulating pool of nutrients what they need for nourishment and refinement. This process, Dr. Welch suggested, is so much a conscious, mental choice but a result of natural intelligence, something we can cooperate with in a more conscious way in some meaningful areas of our lives.

Addressing the impact of stress on hormonal balance, Dr. Welch stressed the importance of creating a supportive environment during the postpartum period. By protecting the space for the mother and child to navigate the tectonic shifts, she suggested, we can foster an atmosphere conducive to the body’s natural healing and transformation. Dr. Welch’s holistic approach underscores the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of the profound mysteries of the human experience.

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.