Menopause Chronicles: Exploring Transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch & Friends. This is a membership-based offering with twice monthly 90-minute live, online sessions where Dr. Welch, guest friends and participants explore various aspects of the monumental transformation that occurs around menopause. We learn through honest, (sometimes funny) conversation and community.
Foundations of Āyurveda Part I. This multi-media course is designed for someone who is seriously interested in embarking on an in-depth study of Āyurveda, or has already done so and would like to re-visit the material or gain new insights or greater clarity by taking either the entire course or just certain lessons. It is co-taught by Dr. Claudia Welch and Dr. Robert Svoboda.
The Four Qualities of Effective Physicians: Practical Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Practitioners by Dr. Claudia Welch. While the obvious audience for this book is health care practitioners (of any modality), because it is in great measure about communication and relationships, it is applicable to anyone seeking to refine these skills and interactions. We all have the potential to have positive, negative or neutral effects on those around us, so we all have the potential to refine our ability to have a medicinal effect on our loved ones and environment.
Prāṇa CD. The four tracks on this cd are guided visualizations designed to support cultivation and smooth, unobstructed flow of prāṇa (life force) in its practitioners, narrated by Dr. Claudia Welch.
Dinacaryā: Changing Lives Through Daily Living eBook by Dr. Claudia Welch. This mini eBook serves to outline the daily routines prescribed in ancient Āyurveda, and enlivened with a modern perspective. Unique perspectives are offered, so even if you have been introduced to the concept and practice of dinacaryā, you may find this helpful.
4 Aims & Stages of Life mini eBook by Dr. Claudia Welch. This mini ebook outlines and explores the 4 aims and stages of life that are discussed in East Indian philosophies.
Articles. This is a catalogue of explorations and reflections on a variety of topics related to Āyurveda, medicine, illness, health, suffering, love, oddities and life in general.
Lectures & Conversations. These are audio or video recordings of conversations on a variety of subjects including addiction, eating disorders, home “cleanses,” and hormonal health and balance.
42 The Game, just for fun. If you like card games. Especially if you like complicated card games that involve bidding and taking tricks, even with only two players.
New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.