The Planets: Exploring Our Relationship with Nine Archetypal Personalities

Humans all too often spend our lives ricocheting between desire and fear. Possibilities for liberation from our many desires and fears grow substantially greater when we develop a more curious, conscious and honest relationship with them. Each of the nine “planets” of Jyotiṣa, India’s classical system of divination, is associated with an archetypal constellation of qualities to which we are attracted or by which we are repelled; taken together they serve to represent human experience.

Weaving together story, theory, Āyurveda, Jyotiṣa, general philosophy from India, personal experience and teachings from their gurus, Dr. Robert Svoboda and Dr. Claudia Welch explore myths, qualities, personalities and possibilities associated with each of these nine “planets” or grahas of Jyotiṣa. Graha literally means something that grasps or seizes, and developing a relationship with these “graspers” offers us a way to gain greater physical, emotional and mental liberation from their seizing influence.

If you are thinking something like, “Gosh, it seemed like Dr. Welch was rather practical and scientific-minded. What on earth is she doing talking about astrology?” you might read her pithily-titled article, “Good Vs. Evil; Devas Vs. Asuras; Good Planets Vs. Bad Planets: If We Are Scientific, Why We Should Even Bother With Stuff Like Myth, Movies & Astrology?

You will have access to the course for one year from registration. You can extend access to it for another year for 50% off the original price or 50 USD per month extension. You can register and begin anytime you like.

Please note: Dr. Welch does not consider herself a Jyotiṣi and does not provide Jyotiṣa consultations.

This course was delivered live at Vaidyagrāma, an Ayurvedic eco-village in Tamil Nadu, India, as part of the 5th International Ayurveda Conference ~ Where Science Meets Consciousness: Exploring Interconnectedness Of Man And Nature, December 11-18, 2015. We would like to offer our thanks to Dr. Ramkumar and the staff of Vaidyagrāma and the Conference, including the videographers, and to Mr. Aditya Mazumdar, the delightful emcee of the conference. 


This course may be a good choice for you if:

  • You have an interest in Eastern philosophy, astrology or spirituality
  • You consider yourself a seeker of truth
  • You are interested in refining your awareness of your inner terrain and experiences
  • You are a professional practitioner, instructor or student of Āyurveda, Yoga, or other Vedic sciences
  • You are interested in exploring new ways of seeing the world and our relationship to it

No prior study in Jyotiṣa or Āyurveda is required. If you are new to the principles of Eastern philosophy and spirituality, some of the vocabulary or concepts discussed but not defined in this course may be unfamiliar. Also, some of the discussions about various aspects of Jyotiṣa may be beyond your level of knowledge, but those discussions are limited. Most of the material in this course is designed to be accessible to all levels.

While our Foundations of Āyurveda Part I and Foundations of Āyurveda Part II online courses are academic, intensive, and quite comprehensive, this course on the planets is not. It is a free-flow exploration and contemplation. Neither Dr. Svoboda nor Dr. Welch consider this course on the planets to be a systematic, comprehensive or academic introduction to the planets as they are understood in Jyotiṣa. However, there may be insights that even seasoned jyotiṣis may find valuable, or that students or practitioners of Āyurveda may find helpful to support their personal health, or the health of their patients. For a more formal introduction to the planets or Jyotiṣa, we recommend reading Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India, a book by Hart DeFouw and Dr. Robert Svoboda.

This course exceeded my expectations. So much of Dr Welch’s worldly wise wisdom seemed to be included in this comprehensive course: Prana, the four types of communication, being nothing, alignment to our innermost essence… I found very valuable the sharing on Mars, the effect on our personality, ways to tap into it’s positive side and ways to pacify its deleterious effects. –Shilpa Rao, Chandler, AZ

I loved this course. Jyotish is one of my favorites topics and this course was so detailed about the grahas! Lois Kubota

The flow and conversation between Dr. Welch and Dr. Svoboda is fantastic. The material given provided me with a wealth of knowledge, and I now have a deeper understanding of the planets as grahas and their areas of influence. Thank you! –Bridgette Boyle

I loved the interaction between you two [instructors], and I found the course an important and exciting piece of the Ayurveda puzzle. I used the information to build on the map I am creating in my mind, and I look into the night sky with more aliveness and an engaging presence. It was brilliant!! Thank you. Allaine

engaging, enjoyable, useful. I’m not sure how it will affect or impact me, but I feel like I’ve just gone through something that is very important for me to know and practice.” Julie C.

It gave me a great deal to ponder. I feel many of the topics will show up again for me over the next year. I noticed a great deal of synchronicity already while it was streaming. Jana


This video course consists of seven, roughly one hour and 45 minute videos with the first half being lecture and the second as question and answer sessions. There are no handouts or homework required in this course, unless you create some for yourself.

Many sessions begin or end with some chanting. The chants are mainly from the Hindu tradition. It is not necessary to be a practicing Hindu to take this course. They are chanted out of respect to the traditions of Dr. Welch’s teachers of Ayurveda. It is unnecessary to chant them and perfectly fine to skip them if you feel uncomfortable chanting or listening to them.

The listener is invited to participate in the guided visualizations and practices.

A 21-question quiz in included, to be taken upon completion of the material.

Lesson 1 ~ Saturn (1:52:02)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize some of the qualities most often associated with Saturn
  2. Consider how to be in relationship with the qualities associated with Saturn
  3. Learn some anecdotes and stories that relate to Saturn
  4. Consider the reality of suffering

Lesson 2 ~ The Sun (1:48:17)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize some of the qualities most often associated with the sun
  2. Consider how to be in relationship with the qualities associated with the sun
  3. Learn some anecdotes and stories that relate to the sun
  4. Consider the reality of ambition
  5. Be able to practice a hands-free visualization of nāḍi śodhana

Lesson 3 ~ The Moon (1:44:44)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize some of the qualities most often associated with the moon.
  2. Consider how to be in relationship with the qualities associated with the moon
  3. Learn some anecdotes and stories that relate to the moon
  4. Consider the changeable aspects of the moon as they relate to female physiology and psychology

Lesson 4 ~ Mars (1:45:17)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize some of the qualities most often associated with Mars & Ketu
  2. Consider how to be in relationship with the qualities associated with Mars & Ketu
  3. Learn some anecdotes and stories that relate to Mars
  4. Be introduced to the relationship between action, inaction and Mars

Lesson 5 ~ Mercury (1:31:53)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize some of the qualities most often associated with Mercury
  2. Consider how to be in relationship with the qualities associated with Mercury
  3. Learn some anecdotes and stories that relate to Mercury
  4. Be introduced to the relationship between communication and Mercury

Lesson 6 ~ Jupiter (1:42:20)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize some of the qualities most often associated with Jupiter
  2. Consider how to be in relationship with the qualities associated with Jupiter
  3. Learn some anecdotes and stories that relate to Jupiter
  4. Consider the possibility of possession by the guru
  5. Name a difference between a satguru and the planets

Lesson 7 ~ Venus (1:44:18)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize some of the qualities most often associated with Venus
  2. Consider how to be in relationship with the qualities associated with Venus
  3. Learn some anecdotes and stories that relate to Venus
  4. Be introduced to the relationship between desire, seduction and Venus

By the end of this course, if you have assimilated the material, you will be exposed to many ideas in Eastern thought, including:

  • Some of the qualities primarily associated with each planet
  • How to develop a relationship with the constellation of qualities associated with each planet
  • Some of the myths associated with each planet
  • The role of the guru and the satguru on the path of the disciple
  • The role ambition may play in life and disorders
  • The roles fear and seduction may play in life choices
  • Some of the benefits associated with smooth circulation of prāṇa
  • Some of the benefits of cultivating a healthy relationship with prāṇa
  • The subtle process of assuming identities and attachments as an embodied being
  • Be able to practice a hands-free visualization of nāḍi śodhana 

When can I begin the course?

Anytime. This is a stand-alone, self-paced course. Start, stop, begin again, any time that is convenient for you.

How long will it take me to complete the course & how long will I have access to it?

Total actual hours: 12.1;  Total University (50min/hr) hours: 14.5 ; Total NAMA (TIA) PACE hours: 13 hours.

There are approximately 12 hours of material. However, it may take longer to complete the course. We recommend you take your time with the material, reviewing sections that are either particularly meaningful for you or that are unclear with one listening.

You will have access to this course for one year. You can extend access to it for another year for 50% off the original price or 50 USD per month extension. If it has been longer than six months since your course expired, you may retake it for 50% off the original price and have one year’s renewed access from the time of that payment.

Please see, “Course Structure” above, for the length of the individual lessons.

What if I have questions?

If you have questions about course content as you go along and would like support, you can sign up for a tutoring option with one of our tutors.

We also plan to offer two live Q&A calls per year with Drs. Welch and Svoboda, for alumni of our “Foundations of Ayurveda Part I“, “Part II” and, “The Planets” courses and post them on our Q&A page.

Once you are a registered student of one of these courses, you will receive emails letting you know when live calls are scheduled, how to join them, and be invited to submit questions on course content.

If you need technical support with the website or course, please contact our webmasters at Barn2 Media by emailing

What if I have questions on course content? Will I have live access to Drs. Welch & Svoboda?

If you have questions about course content as you go along and would like support, there are a couple options:

What if I need technical support?

Once you are a registered student, we let you know who to contact if you need technical support with the website or course.

Can I download the lessons?

No. This is a streamable video course.

Are there any required textbooks?


Is there a quiz?

Yes, there is a 21-question quiz at the end of the course. They are not tricky questions. In fact, they are decidedly un-tricky. All quiz questions cover the stated objectives listed for each section. All passing grades are 80%.

Can I have a certificate of completion?

Yes. Once you have successfully completed the course and quiz, you will have the option to print out a certificate that will include your name, the name of this course and the number of course hours. Please download, save and print out your certificate before your access to the course expires. Even if you don’t want it now, you might want it later. If you don’t download your certificate before your access to the course expires, you can request it in the future but we may no longer have access to it and, even if we do, it takes some fiddling and time to get one for and to you, so there will be a $50 administration fee for this service.

Where can I find answers to questions about the legality of practicing Ayurveda, about certification, or NAMA issues?

This course is worth 13 NAMA (TIA) hours. These hours are listed on your certificate of completion.  

For information on NAMA, legal requirements and our courses, kindly see

Does this course fulfill the requirements for CEUs for licensed health care practitioners that are not Ayurvedic professionals?

At this time we are not pre-approved CEU providers for health care professions other than the field of Āyurveda. However, you will have your certificate of completion, which will provide the title of the course, your name, and course hours. This may or may not be sufficient for the organization requiring your CEUs. We encourage you to contact your organization to determine what we could do to support you getting CEU credits for Dr. Welch’s programs. If there is additional documentation that you need, we’d be happy to support you with this for a nominal fee. What that nominal fee would be, depends on the documentation you would need. Please contact our office if you have any questions about this.

What is your refund policy?

We do not offer refunds for online courses. We have tried to provide clear descriptions of our courses; please review this information before purchasing.

Is there an option for financing?

US residents can use the PayPal finance option to pay, when purchasing the course. The PayPal finance option has 0 payments and 0 interest if you pay within 6 months (subject to PayPal credit approval). Beyond 6 months, there would be a 19.99 % interest rate. To choose this option, when you go through the checkout line you will reach the PayPal page where you can choose to pay via your own credit card, via your PayPal account, or via PayPal Credit. Choose PayPal credit. If you haven’t done this before, PayPal will ask some questions to check your credit before approving. Once approved, your transaction will go through and you will have access to the course without needing to pay anything for 6 months. However, to get the zero-interest rate, please remember to pay what you can at the end of the 6 months.

Reviews (1)

1 review for The Planets: Exploring Our Relationship with Nine Archetypal Personalities

  1. Claudia Welch

    Nobody seems to ever uses this review feature, but people do let us know how they’ve liked the course and we put some of that, when we remember, in the, “Is This The Right Course for Me” menu tab above.

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New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.