


  • Doctor of Oriental Medicine, State of New Mexico, November, 1997-present
  • National Board Certified Diplomate in Acupuncture, The National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists, Washington, DC, August, 1997-present
  • Registered Massage Therapy Instructor, State of New Mexico, January, 1992-2005


  • NAMA (National Association of Ayurvedic Medicine) 
  • Dr. is an Organizational Member of NAMA 
  • Member of The Author’s Guild (AG)
  • Member of National Writers Union (NWU)
  • Member of NAMA


  • Honorary Member of Associacao Brasileira de Ayurveda, “In recognition of your work, effort and dedication to the enrichment of Ayurvedic knowledge worldwide” 2010
  • Award for Outstanding Achievement in Bridging Cultures and Supporting Intercultural Relations at University of Vermont. 1991
  • Religion Departmental Honors, for completing an undergraduate thesis comparing the principles of Ayurveda with the most reputable work in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in the west. University of Vermont 1991


  • Master of Science in Oriental Medicine, Southwest Acupuncture College, August, 1997
  • Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, Honors Thesis on South Asian Medicine, Magna Cum Laude, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 1991
  • Diploma in Hindi Language I and II, Benares Hindu University, Benares, India 1989 and 1993
  • Diploma in Massage Therapy, H. K. A . Healing Arts Massage School, Albuquerque, NM. February, 1992
  • Certificate in Advanced Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Chinese Herbal Medicine, China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center, Beijing, China, April – May 1997
  • Certificates of Completion in Jyotish: Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Courses with Hart DeFouw, The Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, NM, 1998 – 2001
  • Certification of Completion Ayurvedic Studies Program I, Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, NM, 1991-1998
  • Tutored Study in Ayurvedic Medicine, in India and the United States, with Dr. Robert E. Svoboda, 1988-1997, (ongoing consulting relationship)
  • Tutorial in Sanskrit Language, with Dr. Vagish Shastri, Benares, India 1992-1993


  • Co-founder, partner, instructor of, an online & in-person organization that orients students of Indian knowledge systems to the context in which their subject exists and aids in them studying it. 2022-present
  • Doctor of Oriental Medicine (Acupuncture/Chinese Herbs/Ayurveda), private practice or phone consultations, 1997-present
  • Guest Speaker and Presenter, various schools, organizations, conferences and events internationally, 1992-present
  • Faculty Member, senior instructor, The Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, NM, 2002-2011
  • Faculty Member, Southwest Acupuncture College, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM, 1998-2006
  • Faculty Member, AcuPractice Seminars, Albuquerque, NM 2001-present
  • Faculty Member, Kripalu School of Ayurveda, Stockbridge, MA, 2005-present
  • Faculty Member, The RISHI Center, Newport, RI, 2006-2007
  • Contributing Author of Ayurvedic Educational Material, Banyan Botanicals, Albuquerque, NM, June 2001-2010. and
  • Ayurvedic Consultant for COMO Shambhala Spas, Parrot Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, 2005
  • Clinical Supervisor of Acupuncture Students at New Mexico Cancer Care Associates, Southwest Acupuncture College, Santa Fe, NM. January, 1999-2000
  • Faculty Member, Crystal Mountain School of Massage Therapy, Albuquerque, NM. 1998-2000
  • Clinical Supervisor of Massage Students at Health South Rehabilitation Hospital, Crystal Mountain Massage School, Albuquerque, NM. 1999 – 2002
  • Co-Founder of Complementary Cancer Care Associates training licensed health-care practitioners to work with oncology patients. June 2000 – August 2001
  • Executive Director, Health Tours, Ayurvedic educational tours within India. Albuquerque, NM 1995-1998
  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Diet Counselor, 1993-1997
  • Panchakarma Massage Therapist, The Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, NM, 1991- 1992 and 1994 – 1998
  • Office Manager, The Ayurvedic Institute, 1993-1994


  • Vedic Threads: Live, online, twice-monthly membership-based course co-facilitated by Dr. Welch. Certain concepts–like threads–are woven throughout the tapestries of Indian knowledge systems, adorning each and harmonizing each with the others. In this course we explore many of these shared concepts, and gain insight into how they are employed within various Vedic knowledge systems. October 2022-present
  • Women’s Health & Hormones Part I: Hormonal Balance & Stagnation: A self-paced, roughly 10-hour course designed for all people, regardless of medical background, from none to MDs, practitioners of Ayurveda or Chinese medicine to…anybody. An innovative approach to women’s health and hormones that draws on Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, western science and decades of experience. We wish all women knew this material. This course is designed to complement the information in Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness Through Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Western Science.
  • Women’s Health & Hormones Part II: Srotorodha & The 6 Therapeutic Principles: A self-paced, roughly 6 hour course designed for clinical practitioners of Ayurveda.
  • Foundations Of Āyurveda Part II: Co-taught, developed and published in-depth, multimedia, 50-hour course on Āyurvedic perspectives on how our bodies and minds are structured, organized, nourished and operate, and how to cultivate diagnostic ability. Hosted by Launched in 2016. Also available with more live support and supplemental subjects through
  • Foundations Of Āyurveda Part I: Co-taught, developed and published in-depth, multimedia, 51.5-hour course on the language and foundation principles of Ayurveda. Hosted by Launched in 2015.
  • Also available with more live support and supplemental subjects through
  • The Planets: Exploring Our Relationship With Nine Archetypal Personalities: Co-taught, 14-hr video course, where Dr. Robert Svoboda and Dr. Claudia Welch explore myths, qualities, personalities and possibilities associated with each of the nine “planets” of Jyotiṣa. Launched in 2016.
  • Pratyahara: In this course, Dr. Welch and Dr. Robert Svoboda explore the theory and practice of pratyāhāra: its meaning and purpose, the awakening of awareness required to practice pratyāhāra, its relationship to the flow of prāṇa, and its relevance in our modern lives.
  • Mentorship Program: Live, annual, 35-hr multimedia online course for practitioners of Ayurveda. 2012-2021.


  • The Four Qualities of Effective Physicians: Practical Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Physicians [Please note that this is the same book as, How the Art of Medicine Makes the Science More Effective, below, but just with a different title and in paperback.] Jessica Kingsley Publishers. January 2017.
  • How the Art of Medicine Makes the Science More Effective: Becoming the Medicine We Practice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. September 2015. Hardback.
  • Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness Through Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Western Science. Da Capo Lifelong. March 2011.
  • Below is a partial list of published articles. More can be found on the articles page of this website.
  • Co-authored The Art of Nurturing: Yoga and Ayurveda for Postpartum Bliss with Chandra and Scott Blossom, Yoga International, Spring 2011
  • Sin, Virtue & Plant Medicine, How Human And Plant Behavior Affect Each OtherOriginally written for the 2011 3rd International Conference on Ayurveda, Rishikesh, India, February 2011, due for publication in Namarupa: Categories of Indian Thought, March, 2011
  • Excerpt from Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life in Natural Health Magazine, Spring 2011
  • Interview with Dr. Claudia Welch, Light on Ayurveda Journal, Spring 2011
  • Numerous online articles, newsletter articles, and online tests and text (all of which is attributed to Dr. Welch by name) for the Banyan Botanicals website,
  • Breath As Medicine: An Introduction to the Effects of Pranayama on the Mind and Body; in Light on Ayurveda, a peer-reviewed journal, Oct. 2009
  • The Four Aims and The Four Stages of Life in Namarupa, June 2009
  • An Overview of the Education and Practice of Global Ayurveda, a chapter in the academic text Modern and Global Ayurveda: Pluralism and Paradigms. SUNY Press, 2008
  • Interview with Claudia Welch in Yoga & Health Magazine (UK), July 2007
  • Women, heart health and naps in Yoga & Health Magazine (UK), May 2007
  • Beginning online Ayurveda eCourse, 2005
  • Secrets of the Mind: The 10 Channels Revealed, a mini eBook , 2005
  • The Secret Potential of Brahmamuhurta, in Namarupa: Categories of Indian Thought, Spring 2003
  • Abhyanga: Warm Oil Massage in LA Yoga magazine, Feb. 2003
  • Studying Ayurveda in India, Ayurveda Today, Spring 1994

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.