Lectures & Conversations

[vc_video link='https://youtu.be/u0qbwKWUCuw?si=pgvRQPNFMgoW70Ad'] Jack Stafford of www.podsongs.com interviews guests for his podcast and then writes a song inspired by the conversation. Here he interviews Dr. Welch, who delves into the holistic health benefits of Ayurveda, focusing on stress relief, pregnancy nourishment, and balancing modern life with ancient wisdom....

Dr. Welch talks with Kate O'Donnell about the following: Shifting Focus on Women's Health The conversation on women's health initially focused on external factors. However, there is currently more awareness of the importance of internal nourishment and rest. Rest and nourishment are crucial for maintaining balance with...

Dr. Welch speaks with Kate O'Donnell about the following: Shifting Focus on Women's Health The conversation on women's health initially focused on external factors. However, there is currently more awareness of the importance of internal nourishment and rest. Rest and nourishment are crucial for maintaining balance with...

In her first episode of her new, "Changing Seasons" Podcast, Jody Vassallo, old associate of Dr. Welch, talks with Dr Claudia Welch about perimenopause and menopause through an Ayurvedic lens. Jody and Claudia chat about: The importance of using the medicine of subtraction in our lives ...

[audio mp3="https://drclaudiawelch.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/AvantiCWMenopause.mp3"][/audio] In this podcast episode, Dr. Avanti Kumar Singh engages Dr. Claudia Welch in an insightful discussion about menopause from an Ayurvedic perspective. Dr. Welch elaborates on menopause as a significant life transition, comparing it to the four stages of life, emphasizing its spiritual, emotional,...

[vc_video link='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg2z2lx4Bv8'] Dr. Welch talks with Aparna Sridhar of Indica in Jan, 2024 about how she got connected with India, the value of contextual learning, the medicine of subtraction and the role slavery played in our current never-is-enough culture, which is contributing to our stress and...

If you have felt stressed, you have experienced a health and hormonal imbalance. Dr. Welch joins Dr. MC's Self-Care Cabaret Podcast to cover a lot of ground, from maintaining hormone health, healing from an imbalance, accessing your true essence, and getting to the root of what...

In this 2022 conversation, Colleen Quinn, founder of LabAroma has a conversation with Dr. Welch about the philosophy of hormones, what led her to study them, how  ideas in Eastern medicine apply to women's health and hormonal balance in today's day to day environment, the...

In this conversation, Fanny Olsson of The Cyclic Sadhana Podcast & Dr. Welch discuss the following: The role of dharma and the relationship between dharma and sādhana What brought Dr. Welch to Eastern medicine How Eastern medicine can help us understand women's hormones How Dr....

https://vimeo.com/687244319 In this conversation founder of Yoga of Recovery, Durga Leela shares: how modern addictions no longer resemble old views of the addict/alcoholic battling with substance use - it is now more a 'spread addiction'—an addiction to fetching things outside ourselves to fill the, “holes in...

In this podcast Dr. Vignesh Devraj MD, 4th generation Ayurvedic healer and Dr. Welch discuss: The concept of hormones in Western Medicine The long term risks of cortisol secretion Understanding yin (bṛṃhaṇa) and yang (laṅghana) energy in the body The interconnection between lifestyle and diseases ...

Here's a 68 minute discussion on hormonal health with Dr. Welch, interviewed for The Sage Space. Hope you enjoy. Here are a few words from Victoria Averill, who conducted this interview: “I don’t care at all about hormones in a way. I care about what’s out...

Dr. Welch had a conversation with Angelica Rose of SoulfullVeda.com on 14 June, 2021 for their podcast. It was lovely and went like this: 0:00 - Celestial Update and journaling prompts for the New Moon on July 9th 6:59 - Angelica defines and breaks down Sanskrit words...

Interview with Dr. Claudia Welch from Jasmine Hemsley: What does Ayurveda mean to you? The translation of “Ayurveda” is “the science of life.” To me the science of life, at its most fine, is learning to live in alignment with my innermost essence — to the best...

Christine Chen from Esalen Institute and I begin to explore transitioning from the pitta stage of life into the vāta stage of life and transitioning from the second to the third stage of life according to the four āśrama. Both of these third stages begin...

In this October 8, 2019 interview with Dr. Welch by Olga Grischenkova of Core Spirit, they discuss: What hormones are major players for women A particularly interesting thing Traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda have in common Why stress is often followed by weight gain How to increase...

In this July, 2017 session, Dr. Audrey Schnell  interviews Dr. Welch about pain, healing pain, and creative pain management; about how pain gets stuck and unstuck in the annamayakośa, prāṇamayakośa, manomayakośa—the physical, energetic and mental bodies and in how we perceive ourselves. We discussed where...

In this conversation from August 2017, Madhuri Phillips, of Madhuri Method-- inspirational author, speaker and teacher, interviews Dr. Welch. Her podcast, "Being Light" was the surprise topic itself, and led to interesting places. We speak about how we absorb light through our whole being, about...

An honest conversation about women's hormones and sanity with Ellie Drake, a compassionate, knowledgeable, heartfelt interviewer with a knack for guiding conversation to raw depth of true experience. From January 2017. Dr. Welch discusses these themes in much more depth in her two women's health online...

Brodie Welch, LAc, and Claudia talk about uncertainty, not knowing where we’re headed or what’s in store, the power of waiting, finding comfort as reality shifts around us. In this episode, they explore: The layers of our being: the kośas How do you figure out what...

Dr. Claudia Welch & Cate Stillman talk about food. How it is important, but it may lead to neurosis to place all our bets on food to be our Savior. ...

Dr. Welch talks about two major considerations in breast health - considerations she wished all women knew about so we could all have the best mammarian (yes, she knows that is not a word) health possible....

In this special interview Dr Claudia Welch, Ayurvedic Practitioner, gives a refreshing holistic perspective on hormones, the difference between adrenaline and cortisol, male and female sex hormones, and perspective on how to balance your hormones....

Ancient Āyurvedic texts describe four qualities one must possess to become an effective physician: Excellence in theoretical knowledge, lots of practice, dexterity and purity. Dr. Welch explores some of the weird and interesting aspects of these qualities and how cultivating them can enhance our ability...

In this talk introducing the February 2015 run of the Healthier Hormones course Cate Stillman and I, among other things talk about: How Emily Post was teaching Ayurveda in her own way Oliver Sacks take on living and dying The Art vs. the Science of...

A conversation for practitioners and anyone else who may be interested, with Durga Leela, founder of Yoga of Recovery and Dr. Claudia Welch Durga Leela and Dr. Welch discuss the role of identity (in Ayurveda called, ahamkara) in addiction, the understandable tendency to focus on our...

A conversation on between Dr. Welch and Dr. Sara Gottfried MD, author of The Hormone Cure Are we really fat, lazy and unproductive? Or maybe courageous? What do hormones have to do with integrity? What is real pleasure? What is Dharma? Do we have to...

Cate Stillman and I had a conversation in January 2014, on the topic of "wrong questions" when it comes to healthcare. “What can I do about my insomnia?” “My friend has MS. Can Ayurveda help her? If so, how?” These are examples of (very understandable) questions we...

A Conversation with Dr. Claudia Welch - by Juliana Swanson Juliana Swanson: Thank you so much for taking the time for this interview. Do you prefer I call you “Dr. Welch” or “Claudia”? Dr. Claudia Welch: Let’s go with, “Claudia” for the rest of this, shall we? And...

A conversation in December 2012, between Dr. Welch and Chelsea Roff about Eating Disorders: As health care practitioners or yoga instructors, what do we need to understand about Eating Disorders and the people who suffer with them? In her article, Starving for Connection, Chelsea shares her...

This conversation, of August 2012, between Dr. Welch and Cate Stillman, of YogaHealer.com, explores the effects of how we live on our hormonal balance....

This is a talk (April 29th 2011) given by Dr. Welch at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM. It was an introductory talk to her Women's Lives, Women's Transition workshop and deals, among other topics, with the issue of fear. You can find many other...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.