ramkumar Tag

Vedic Threads 1st Trimester 2025


We welcome you to join us in heartfelt exploration of the context in which Indian wisdom traditions like Ayurveda & yoga exist, in Satsangam's signature offering: Vedic Threads, Satsangam’s membership-based course, co-facilitated by Drs. Welch & Ramkumar. Here's a list of some of the the special...

Interconnectedness of Indian Wisdom Traditions

Sivananda Ashram Paradise Island, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas

Join us in beautiful Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat in Nassau, Bahamas, to explore the cultural, spiritual, philosophical, scientific and artistic context in which Indian wisdom traditions like yoga and Ayurveda exist.
We will all be fed vegetarian food, have daily yoga classes, learning sessions together, satsangs and time in the ocean and sun, all in the harmonious environment of an ashram that welcomes all religions, faiths, and humans.

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.