
Tools for Healthy Living

Help with choosing the right resources for you, wherever you are on your journey towards wellness.


In-depth articles by Dr. Claudia Welch on a wide range of topics. Maybe you'll like one of them...

Lectures & Conversations

Conversations between Dr. Welch & colorful, wise, experienced practitioners & interviews with Dr. Welch.


A little bit of information on the legal status of Ayurveda and general standards of practice in the United States.

Recommended Reading

A hand picked selection of informative and inspirational books, all personally recommended by Dr. Claudia Welch.


Healthy, tasty recipes that Dr. Welch has made, not a gazillion times, but many times...

Useful Websites

A helpful list of websites relating to Ayurveda, Chinese and Western Medicine and wellness in general.

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.