death Tag

Dr. Welch talks with Kate O'Donnell about the following: Shifting Focus on Women's Health The conversation on women's health initially focused on external factors. However, there is currently more awareness of the importance of internal nourishment and rest. Rest and nourishment are crucial for maintaining balance with...

Dr. Welch speaks with Kate O'Donnell about the following: Shifting Focus on Women's Health The conversation on women's health initially focused on external factors. However, there is currently more awareness of the importance of internal nourishment and rest. Rest and nourishment are crucial for maintaining balance with...

This course--co-taught by Drs. Shubham Kulkarni, Robert Svoboda and Claudia Welch, invites participants to explore the universal process of death through a blend of Indian wisdom traditions, and end-of-life care practices. It offers a rich exploration of the emotional and spiritual dimensions associated with dying,...

Today, in the wake of the 2016 US Presidential election, there is shock, daze, awe, grief, disbelief, or all of the above, on all sides of the political totem. It feels familiar to me. I think maybe because I have been involved in birth and death before. What the...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.