In Indian wisdom traditions, the words for, “mind” (manas) and, “heart” (hṛdayam) seem interchangeable in certain contexts. And sometimes not. What are the differences and connections between the two? Why is this important or meaningful? Is the heart concurrently a physical, mental and energetic organ?...
Nina Rao, Claudia Welch, Genevieve Walker, gentle yoga with Keli Lalita Reddy, and with honored guest Prof Robert A.F. Thurman.
Join us for a healing and rejuvenating retreat where we will slow down, take time for ourselves and experience the benefits that mantra, meditation, music, and...
By Dr. Claudia Welch
For a long time I have reflected on something that my guru said on more than one occasion. Here are the exact words, in one case:
“And then we should have confidence, because a coward can never achieve any success. Only a strong-hearted...
17 June, 2019
New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.