Tokyo, Japan
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00-1 & 2:30-4:30
As the cherry blossoms are blooming, Mari Fukuda will be offering a very special workshop with Dr. Claudia Welch and Dr. Robert Svoboda, at a time when, hopefully sakura (cherry blossoms) will be in bloom. This will be the first time ever to offer their teachings in Japan.
If you’ve been wanting to travel to Japan, spring is by far one of the best seasons to visit.
Do plan your trip ahead of time as the accommodations will be difficult to secure closer to the date.
What we plan to discourse on:
Caryā means to move, wander or roam about. When we adopt the ancient Ayurvedic practice and concept of dinacaryā we learn how to move through our days following a specific daily routine that can profoundly benefit our lives. Rtucaryā similarly allows us to tailor and adjust those daily routines as seasons change. When we add knowledge of pañca indriya, or the five senses, we can explore how smell, taste, vision, touch and sound can enhance, influence or infuse mental-emotional experience, as well as our routines. When we apply these age-old principles in our modern context, dinacaryā and ṛtucaryā can assist us to better navigate our karmas (actions), stages of life, and personal natures. Join Dr. Robert E. Svoboda and Dr. Claudia Welch this weekend as they explore the fundamentals of daily and seasonal routines and the wisdom that enlivens them.