Instructor: Dr. Claudia Welch, DOM
10-1 & 2:30-4:30 Saturday, Sunday & Monday
Cost: $275 for Saturday and Sunday, $108 for Monday add-on clinic day.
To Register: Call The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont at 802-872-8898
When we consider women’s health from cradle to the grave, it can feel overwhelming to understand all the changes, transitions, fluctuations and conditions, and to begin to address or resolve them. In this workshop, Dr. Welch will explore how women’s primary hormones and most gynecological conditions and experiences can be sorted into two underlying perspectives: perspectives that combine Ayurveda, nāḍi theory, Chinese Medicine, and Western science.
Applying these two perspectives, we will explore the root causes of many fundamental health concerns of women, including hormonal changes, breast health, infertility, painful gynecological issues, and other conditions and experiences common to women.
Once we are comfortable with these lenses, we can more clearly perceive how best to begin to address and resolve imbalances. We will learn some practical, simple, tools to aid us in this.
Because the information builds on itself, we cannot allow Sunday or Monday-only options and will prioritize registration for students committed to all three days. The third day (Monday) will be clinically-oriented, for practitioners, such that we will work with case studies and more clinical theory to better apply what we have learned over the weekend to practical clinical experience.
This seminar is designed to complement the information presented in Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness through Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, and Western Science, but it is not necessary to have read the book before attending. Saturday and Sunday, the material is taught to be accessible and valuable for MDs, students and practitioners of Ayurveda, TCM, Eastern medicine and for people outside of the healthcare professions as well. Monday’s material will be geared towards Ayurvedic practitioners but other healthcare practitioners are welcome to sit in, provided they have taken the Saturday and Sunday portion of the workshop.
This program is approved for 15 NAMA PACE credits.
Students should be aware that this program will be videoed, as it is to become the basis of an online educational program. The lectures will therefore be delivered uninterrupted, and question and answer sections will follow. There are no plans to film any students. Please wear comfortable clothes. We will not be doing āsana, but we may be spending about an hour each day doing practical exercises for the cultivation of prāṇa. Participants will need to sign a consent form as part of the registration process. (Consent form can be printed here.)