chemicals Tag

Good Company Meeting

Good Company Meetings are free meetings that we facilitate --barring unforeseen circumstances--on the first Monday of every month, at 3pm ET. All are welcome. The purpose of these meetings is to support health. We do this by providing, to the best of our abilities, a...

Good Company Meetings

What & When: Good Company Meetings are free meetings that either Dr. Welch or our trained facilitators facilitate --barring unforeseen circumstances--on the first Monday of every month, at 3pm ET. All are welcome. The purpose of these meetings is to support health. We do this by...

Good Company Meetings

What & When: Good Company Meetings are free meetings that either Dr. Welch or our trained facilitators facilitate --barring unforeseen circumstances--on the first Monday of every month, at 3:15 pm ET. All are welcome. The purpose of these meetings is to support health. We do...


Good Company Meetings

What & When: Good Company Meetings are free meetings that either Dr. Welch or our trained facilitators facilitate --barring unforeseen circumstances--on the first Monday of every month, at 3:15 pm ET. All are welcome. The purpose of these meetings is to support health. We do...


Final Good Company Meeting

Important Note: February's meeting--on Monday, 05 Feb at 4pm ET is the final Good Company Meeting. We plan to begin a new offering in May. Kindly subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates about that. What: Good Company Meeting a free meeting. All are welcome....

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.