Q&A Session With Drs. Svoboda & Welch 04 June, 2021

Q&A Session With Drs. Svoboda & Welch 04 June, 2021



Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order:
  • Introductory remarks on the need to keep the daily crazy from getting too deep and how to assimilate it
  • thoughts on the Covid19 vaccine and personal immunity (takes us into about 45 minutes)
  • thoughts on the necessity of pratyāhāra in the practice of tantra–a question spurred by our Pratyāhāra online course.
  • a, “very short” on what is tantra
  • tying together tantra, with digesting the daily crazy, with what to do with Covid.
in this session, Dr. Welch referenced an article (https://www.nhp.gov.in/key-principle_mtl) which no longer exists, but it did when this was recorded, and quoted from it this passage:
“In the ancient Indian medical system, Ayurveda, there are descriptions of treating diseases on similia principle. One mention is Sarvada Sarva Bhavanam Samanyam Vridhi Karanam. Sushruta, the ancient Indian surgeon, who is credited as the author of the treatise, Sushruta Samhita and considered as the founding father of surgery (1200-600 BC), proclaimed that    “Samah samam shamayti” as one approach of treating diseases, which literarily means similar cures similar.Vishasya Vishamaushadam or samam samena santi are also the concepts in Ayurveda similar to the principle of Similia. Another principle similar to Homoeopathic principle of Similia in Ayurveda is “Kasya Aushadhasya Ayam Vyadhi aaturo Va Yogyah ( i.e the patient belongs to which medicine or the symptom complex belongs to which medicine is the point to be known thoroughly well- Vagbhata).
In fact, Ayurveda also advocates two modes of treating natural diseases. The first is called Vipareeta (opposite) and the second is Vipareetanthakari (similar). In Vipareeta approach, the method of treatment is opposite to the cause of manifestation of diseases and in the Vipareetanthakari, the method of treatment is similar to the cause of manifestation of diseases or the similia principle.”

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.