Q&A Calls

Summary of the Session This session focused on the nuanced principles of Ayurveda and deep introspection into human communication, particularly through the concept of Parāvāṇī. Dr. Robert Svoboda and Dr. Claudia Welch explored how the Ayurvedic principle of "like increases like, and opposites balance" applies differently...

Dr. Robert Svoboda & Dr. Claudia Welch address the following questions, in the above video: The relationship between the mahāguṇas (sattva, rajas and tamas) and the doṣas What is the cause of rakta in mūtravāhasrotas? Depending on your prakṛti, which is the doṣa most likely...

Dr. Robert Svoboda & Dr. Claudia Welch address the following question, in the above video: "Earth is in distress right now more than ever before. Our planet is burning up with forest fires, heat waves, electrical storms and the fire of technology. We as people are losing our...

Dr. Robert Svoboda & Dr. Claudia Welch address the following questions in this order, in the above video: Question 1: My question crosses many different courses' material and is somewhat personal. My Jyotish moon is Sagittarius, and my Sade Sati will be ending at the end...

Video 1:    Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order, in the above video: Mars, Kartikeya & fiery conditions and relationships The nature of Kartikeya When to treat a physical, emotional or mental condition with similars and when to treat with...

Summary: Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: How to work with people that have one or more of the five senses impaired. (We discuss echolocation as practiced by Ben Underwood.) The qualities that are enhanced by sleeping on...

  https://vimeo.com/559204555   Summary: Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: Introductory remarks on the need to keep the daily crazy from getting too deep and how to assimilate it thoughts on the Covid19 vaccine and personal immunity (takes us into about...

[embed]http://vimeo.com/496698308[/embed] Session Summary: Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: "My question is then what is God? How do I structure my learning so that I can be so sure of what I am looking at/sensing is God that I...

Summary: Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: Opening thoughts on the times, Triumph of The Will (a movie about Hitler), śakti, and the wisdom of George Harrison we take most of the call--the first 50 or so minutes--...

In this call from March 11, 2020, Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: Corona virus fear: Beer baths? Stout showers? Nope. Not enough alcohol. This chat includes a DIY hand sanitizer recipe towards the beginning, to help...

Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: Whether or not completing our Foundations of Ayurveda Parts I and/or II qualify someone to practice Ayurveda clinically (spoiler: they do not), some reasons why that is and how you can...

Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch addressed the following topics and questions: Some beliefs around beneficial practices--and practices to be avoided, during eclipses The value of paying attention to the execution and effects of minute or subtle actions Communication in the face of trauma Why the...

Drs. Svoboda and Welch respond to questions about: how doṣas interact with each other (for roughly the first hour) the difference between prāṇavāhasrotas and majjāvāhasrotas (for about 15 mins) how śani, “delays but does not deny” what classical texts Drs. Svoboda and Welch turn to...

In this Q&A Session from 09 February, 2018, Dr. Welch and Dr. Svoboda covered the following topics and questions: Importance of connection and the different guṇas involved with the different ways we connect. The importance of grounding oneself and circulating prāṇa and how to do...

In this Q&A session from Sunday, 1 Oct, 2017, Drs. Svoboda & Welch explore the following questions & subjects: Is one particular doṣa worse or better than the others? How to develop a relationship with fire How to refine our perception of subtle aspects...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.