Balance Your Life Tag

Dr. Welch talks with Kate O'Donnell about the following: Shifting Focus on Women's Health The conversation on women's health initially focused on external factors. However, there is currently more awareness of the importance of internal nourishment and rest. Rest and nourishment are crucial for maintaining balance with...

If you have felt stressed, you have experienced a health and hormonal imbalance. Dr. Welch joins Dr. MC's Self-Care Cabaret Podcast to cover a lot of ground, from maintaining hormone health, healing from an imbalance, accessing your true essence, and getting to the root of what...

Here's a 68 minute discussion on hormonal health with Dr. Welch, interviewed for The Sage Space. Hope you enjoy. Here are a few words from Victoria Averill, who conducted this interview: “I don’t care at all about hormones in a way. I care about what’s out...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.