kapha Tag

Many, many recipes call for sautéing onions or garlic as a primary step in the recipe. If you have certain kinds (kapha, pitta or āma types) of heart disease, or high pitta or kapha, or it is springtime (a time that tends to increase kapha)...

When I lived in India I was once served a dish that this one tries to approach. While I’ve always loved dill, I had never had had it as a cooked vegetable— I mean as a main ingredient cooked vegetable. The potatoes in the dish...

by Dr. Claudia Welch Note: You can find organic doṣa-pacifying oils listed in this article at Banyan Botanicals and other places. Good to check that they are made with organic herbs that are harvested in a sustainable way. We do not get commissions for naming Banyan...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.