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Featuring Shantala Sriramaiah, Nina Rao and Dr. Shubham Kulkarni Yoga with Rose Baudin & Scott Blossom Special guests Dr. Robert Svoboda, Dr. Ramkumar, Dr. Claudia Welch, and others Organized by  Punarnava Trust and Hosted by Vaidyagrama Sound, in the form of drumming, chanting, recitation, repetition of mantra, singing, instrumental...

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you finding, good in the, “bad” and with a strong footing in the, “good.” I recently returned to North America from Eastern & Northern Europe where, among other things, I co-taught some events with my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Robert...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.