Schedule and registration for these two 1.5 hour Live Online Sessions 19 & 20 (07 & 20 July, 2023) here: Vedic Threads: An Online Membership Course with Drs. Ramkumar & Claudia
The wise say that dharma is whatever is based on love for all beings. This is the characteristic mark that distinguishes dharma from adharma. Mahābhārata 12.251.24, trans. Nicholas Sutton, 2019
Life should be chiefly service. Without that ideal, the intelligence that God has given you is not reaching out toward its goal. When in service you forget the little self, you will feel the big Self of Spirit. Paramahamsa Yogananda (1893-1952)
Now, what people normally call a sacrifice (yajña) is, in reality, the life of a brahmacaryā, for it is by the life of a brahmacaryā that one finds him who (yaḥ) is the knower (jñātā). Chāndogya Upaniṣad VIII:5.1
In the modern day, we can feel isolated, even as the population of the globe is far greater than ever in recorded history. How can we rekindle a feeling of connection and how can that heal humans and the planet? Indian scriptures suggest householders—or perhaps all people—engage in five major daily yajñas (sacrifices; worship) that gradually and increasingly connect us to and nourish an interconnected whole. These five sacrifices are:
Vijayalakshmi Vijayakumar has taken pañca mahā yajña to practical and great lengths and is scheduled to join Drs. Ramkumar and Claudia in the July 07 session of Vedic Threads to discuss this ancient practice that we can apply in modern times and ways. Drs. Ramkumar & Welch and Vedic Threads members take July 20 to reflect on and integrate previous sessions.
We welcome you to join us in heartfelt conversation on these themes, in our twice-monthly Vedic Threads membership-based course.