We have scheduled a roughly one hour, free, live Q&A call with Dr. Welch, exclusively for alumni and content of either of our online courses: Women’s Health & Hormones Part I: Hormonal Balance & Stagnation or Women’s Health & Hormones Part II: Srotorodha & the 6 Therapeutic Principles, followed by about a half hour for participants to share our experiences with the course content & spirit.
This call is an opportunity to support understanding and healthy directions as we resolve or explore our questions on course content and share our experiences and successes, and to learn from others’ experiences.
The call is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 4pm ET.
Since these courses were only very recently released, there should be ample time for questions from everybody and an intimate time to share.
The call is open to alumni from these two courses. If you are not enrolled but would like to attend the call, you will be welcome to join the call as long as you register for either of these online classes by a few days before the call. We plan to send out directions to registered students, on how to join the call within in a few days of it.
If you can’t attend the live call, no worries. Registered alumni can listen to a recording of the call, which we plan to post within a few business days of the live session, on a password protected page.
These sessions are not a forum for personal health questions to be asked or answered, so those questions will not be addressed. Those are better addressed by a personal health care practitioner.