women’s health Tag

Women’s Health & Hormones + Clinical Day

Delight Yoga Prinseneiland 20G, 1013 LR, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam 10-1 & 2:30-4:30 Saturday, Sunday & Monday When we consider women’s health from cradle to the grave, it can feel overwhelming to understand all the changes, transitions, fluctuations and conditions, and to begin to address or resolve them. In this workshop, Dr. Welch will...


Women’s Health & Hormones + Clinical Day

Railyard Apothecary 270 Battery St, Burlington, VT, United States

Instructor: Dr. Claudia Welch, DOM 10-1 & 2:30-4:30 Saturday, Sunday & Monday Cost: $275 for Saturday and Sunday, $108 for Monday add-on clinic day. To Register: Call The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont at 802-872-8898 When we consider women’s health from cradle to the grave, it can feel...

Women’s Health Online Course Q&A with Dr. Welch

We have scheduled a roughly one hour, free, live Q&A call with Dr. Welch, exclusively for alumni and content of either of our online courses: Women's Health & Hormones Part I: Hormonal Balance & Stagnation or Women's Health & Hormones Part II: Srotorodha & the...

Women’s Health Online Course Q&A with Dr. Welch

We have scheduled a roughly one hour, free, live Q&A call with Dr. Welch, exclusively for alumni and content of either of our online courses: Women's Health & Hormones Part I: Hormonal Balance & Stagnation or Women's Health & Hormones Part II: Srotorodha & the...

CAAM Ayurveda Conference-interdisciplinary approach to women’s health

From CAAM: CAAM's Conference will address where Ancient Medicines and Modern Science meet... Master Teachers and Researchers will be sharing their perspectives and findings, bridging the Gap of the causative factors and the unseen forces that have existed through millennia, brought to bear with Modern...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.