Dr. Robert Svoboda & Dr. Claudia Welch address the following questions in this order, in the above video:

Question 1: My question crosses many different courses’ material and is somewhat personal. My Jyotish moon is Sagittarius, and my Sade Sati will be ending at the end of January. It’s a welcome relief, as nearly all the upheavals that they say can happen during this time have happened to me, including several directly and indirectly related to the pandemic.

Is there a traditional ritual or practice one does at the end of Sade Sati? Despite the urge to “celebrate,” I gather that Saturn would be more appreciative of some level of restraint, reflection, and gratitude.

Question 2: I would love to know what each of your dinacharyas look like and how they shift with the seasons.

Question 3: Turning inward as part of Dinacharya and finding balance within the spiritual self and physical self

To those of us on the path; I have to imagine that this question may come up. I sincerely and wholeheartedly love both the spiritual and physical aspects of the self/divine. My query has been brewing for quite some time. I understand the importance of a Dinacharya, which for me includes a spiritual practice of going within to be with the divine. However, I feel as though (because of my mind, no doubt) that it is a challenge to really hear the inner guidance. I ask this because the Velocity/Vata swirling about (I believe the Clown with the face pressed against the window, gets in more often than not, well for me at least), it’s really difficult to calm the mind. I ask this question because I’d like to know from others who have had a committed Spiritual practice: does it get easier? Can we really stop the mind from being so critical of the journey? As I write this; I have an inner knowing that God willing it might, and that I should remain calm. Just thought I’d love to hear your experiences regarding this topic.

I’d really enjoy hearing how one has (maybe)? found balance in daily life, dancing with the divine and the physical world. Hoping that’s a little more Visada

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.” Rumi

Question 4: What is the relationship of the malas to āma? I’m exploring my own thoughts as follows: Malas, as “waste” products, have specific functions for/from the respective dhatus. Do they dissolve, devolve, or further degrade into āma?

I also wonder about the influence of whether a mala or āma is cleansed and eliminated, from the body, vs it gets blocked or lodged somewhere. Is this a defining factor as to whether we consider a mala to have a functioning useful role, instead of becoming āma? Do malas release from the body similar to āma? Malas are mysterious to me, esp when referred to as ‘waste products.’ I recall the use of the terms ‘inferior’ & ‘superior.’ Maybe that is a better way to conceptualize all of this?

sāma mala=mala associated w/ āma

nirāma mala=mala without āma

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.