dr. claudia welch Tag

[vc_video link='https://youtu.be/u0qbwKWUCuw?si=pgvRQPNFMgoW70Ad'] Jack Stafford of www.podsongs.com interviews guests for his podcast and then writes a song inspired by the conversation. Here he interviews Dr. Welch, who delves into the holistic health benefits of Ayurveda, focusing on stress relief, pregnancy nourishment, and balancing modern life with ancient wisdom....

[audio mp3="https://drclaudiawelch.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/AvantiCWMenopause.mp3"][/audio] In this podcast episode, Dr. Avanti Kumar Singh engages Dr. Claudia Welch in an insightful discussion about menopause from an Ayurvedic perspective. Dr. Welch elaborates on menopause as a significant life transition, comparing it to the four stages of life, emphasizing its spiritual, emotional,...

Alert husband Jim recently noticed a report on a study exploring the link between menopause and longevity. The study shows that the evolution of menopause in toothed whales is strikingly similar to the evolution of menopause in humans. Menopause in both species came about through the...

Dr. Mala Kapadia, Director, Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Anaadi Foundation, Palani, Tamil Nadu, Bharat joins Drs. Claudia Welch & Ramkumar--and the Vedic Threads community to discuss the following: The pandemic era has created, unveiled and exacerbated mental health concerns that persist. It has been a strong wake-up...

Saṅkalpa translates as, “intention” or, “determination”. Ayurveda physician Dr. Vignesh Devraj ji plans to join Drs. Claudia Welch & Ramkumar and the Vedic Threads community for the first May session to explore the role of saṅkalpa in medicine—from the patient’s experience as well as the doctor’s. This can...

Dr. Robert Svoboda & Dr. Claudia Welch address the following questions, in the above video: The relationship between the mahāguṇas (sattva, rajas and tamas) and the doṣas What is the cause of rakta in mūtravāhasrotas? Depending on your prakṛti, which is the doṣa most likely...

[vc_video link='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg2z2lx4Bv8'] Dr. Welch talks with Aparna Sridhar of Indica in Jan, 2024 about how she got connected with India, the value of contextual learning, the medicine of subtraction and the role slavery played in our current never-is-enough culture, which is contributing to our stress and...

Professor of Sanskrit & Classical Indian Religions Fred Smith, joins Dr. Ramkumar & Dr. Welch to talk about "itihāsa" or, "history". Itihāsa also is used to specifically refer to the two monumentally influential epic poems of ancient India: the Mahābhāratam and the Rāmāyaṇa. The...

Simran Lal joins Drs. Ramkumar & Welch in this Vedic Threads session to talk about bhāva and bhāvana. One could say that bhāva and bhāvana is what makes this world go round.  Everything in this manifested world begins with a thought; Everything is a manifestation of our intentions. Bhāva is one’s inner world...

If you have felt stressed, you have experienced a health and hormonal imbalance. Dr. Welch joins Dr. MC's Self-Care Cabaret Podcast to cover a lot of ground, from maintaining hormone health, healing from an imbalance, accessing your true essence, and getting to the root of what...

Whether you turn this into burgers or a loaf, either are delicious to eat alone, with a bun with condiments, broken up and added to spaghetti sauce or added to other dishes in creative ways. They are nice on a plate, with a side of...

A Live Satsangam LLC Event Identifying, Navigating & Resolving Emotional Disequilibrium Through the Lens of Daivavyapāśraya (Treatment of Spiritual Maladies) With Josh Schrei of The Emerald podcast, Fred Smith, Ramkumar & Claudia Welch Yoga with Scott Blossom & Vedic Astrology with Emily Glaser While in the west we may consider...

https://vimeo.com/806130993/a4d4981d0e Note: below the summary are some subsequent personal sharings from participants that viewed this session after it had been recorded. In this session, we addressed the following topics: The migration of endometrial cells (as far as the nose!). What's happening, why might that happen? Why is...

Dr. Robert Svoboda & Dr. Claudia Welch address the following questions in this order, in the above video: Question 1: My question crosses many different courses' material and is somewhat personal. My Jyotish moon is Sagittarius, and my Sade Sati will be ending at the end...

Featuring Shantala Sriramaiah, Nina Rao and Dr. Shubham Kulkarni Yoga with Rose Baudin & Scott Blossom Special guests Dr. Robert Svoboda, Dr. Ramkumar, Dr. Claudia Welch, and others Organized by  Punarnava Trust and Hosted by Vaidyagrama Sound, in the form of drumming, chanting, recitation, repetition of mantra, singing, instrumental...

रागादिरोगान् सततानुषक्तानशेषकायप्रसृतानशेषान् औत्सुक्यमोहारतिदान् जघान योऽपूर्ववैद्याय नमोस्तुतस्मैः Aṣṭāṅga Hṛdayam:I:1  rāgādi-rogān satatānuṣaktān-aśeṣa-kāya-prasṛtān-aśeṣān autsukya-mohāratidān jaghāna yo’pūrva-vaidyāya namo’stu-tasmai //1//   Obeisance be unto that unique and rare (incomparable) physician [that’d be God] who has completely eliminated limitless diseases that are closely associated with and spreading all over the body and mind, perpetually causing...

ऋ॒तं च॑ स॒त्यं चा॒भी॑द्धा॒त्तप॒सोऽध्य॑जायत ṛtaṃ ca satyaṃ cābhīddhāt tapaso 'dhy ajāyata Truth was born and the order of truth from the kindled fire of energy of consciousness. Rig Veda 10.190.1 I’ve been reflecting on the relationship between the Sanskrit words, “satyam” and, “ṛta” or, “ṛtam.” Satyam: The Chandogya Upanishad tells us...

This weekend is only for students at the Mahatma School of Ayurveda at the Ayurveda Center of Vermont, but it gives you a taste of what's covered in case you might want to join their (excellent) program. Dr. Welch plans to explore: Ayurvedic Perspectives of the...

In this 2022 conversation, Colleen Quinn, founder of LabAroma has a conversation with Dr. Welch about the philosophy of hormones, what led her to study them, how  ideas in Eastern medicine apply to women's health and hormonal balance in today's day to day environment, the...

In this conversation, Fanny Olsson of The Cyclic Sadhana Podcast & Dr. Welch discuss the following: The role of dharma and the relationship between dharma and sādhana What brought Dr. Welch to Eastern medicine How Eastern medicine can help us understand women's hormones How Dr....

In this call: ·     We talk about how decreasing progesterone (from 35 onwards) affects the mind ·     We discuss the roles of vāta, pitta and kapha in the menstrual cycle and trying to describe estrogen or progesterone in terms of doṣas. ·     We share some of our own experiences of where...

You are warmly invited to join Dr. Ramkumar and me in a free session at 10:30am ET (New York Time) on Thursday, June 16 (in case you've lost track of time, that's a few days from now) to introduce and explore Satsangam's Life Map. What's...

Video 1:    Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order, in the above video: Mars, Kartikeya & fiery conditions and relationships The nature of Kartikeya When to treat a physical, emotional or mental condition with similars and when to treat with...

In this podcast Dr. Vignesh Devraj MD, 4th generation Ayurvedic healer and Dr. Welch discuss: The concept of hormones in Western Medicine The long term risks of cortisol secretion Understanding yin (bṛṃhaṇa) and yang (laṅghana) energy in the body The interconnection between lifestyle and diseases ...

Summary: Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: How to work with people that have one or more of the five senses impaired. (We discuss echolocation as practiced by Ben Underwood.) The qualities that are enhanced by sleeping on...

Here's a 68 minute discussion on hormonal health with Dr. Welch, interviewed for The Sage Space. Hope you enjoy. Here are a few words from Victoria Averill, who conducted this interview: “I don’t care at all about hormones in a way. I care about what’s out...

 July 29th - Aug 5th In this fourth and final edition of this live, online course, Dr. Svoboda and Scott Blossom L.Ac., with guest teacher, Dr. Claudia Welch, will delve into how this essential community of organisms relates to the health of our skin and reproductive...

This is predominantly sweet, and astringent with enough spice to help it digest well. Balanced for any doṣa, especially nice in the late fall, winter and early spring. I've never had chicken noodle soup but I remember my mother saying, after she became vegetarian, that...

Dr. Ramkumar, Dr. Robert E. Svoboda, and Dr. Claudia Welch meet with us online to share a conversation around the four āśramas–or stages of life:  how we can use them to help us contextualize and navigate studies, families, professions, political and civic obligations, relationships and spiritual...

Interview with Dr. Claudia Welch from Jasmine Hemsley: What does Ayurveda mean to you? The translation of “Ayurveda” is “the science of life.” To me the science of life, at its most fine, is learning to live in alignment with my innermost essence — to the best...

[embed]http://vimeo.com/496698308[/embed] Session Summary: Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: "My question is then what is God? How do I structure my learning so that I can be so sure of what I am looking at/sensing is God that I...

Osteoporosis (An Excerpt from the beginning of chapter 16 of Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life, by Claudia Welch) Americans spend about $5 billion a year on drugs to protect bone health, roughly 50 percent more than they spent for this just five years ago. Thinning...

By Dr. Ramkumar, Dr. Robert Svoboda & Dr. Claudia Welch Note: This is an evolving work. We have already changed the title and edited the article a bit in response to thoughtful input from readers. We have added links at the bottom of this article to...

Summary: Dr. Svoboda & Dr. Welch address the following topics and questions in this order: Opening thoughts on the times, Triumph of The Will (a movie about Hitler), śakti, and the wisdom of George Harrison we take most of the call--the first 50 or so minutes--...

Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances it is always possible we will have to move these calls. If that happens, we will plan to update that here and through our newsletters. Thanks for your understanding. Dr. Robert Svoboda and I offer live Q&A sessions yearly to answer...

By Dr. Claudia Welch Disclaimer,  Introduction and entry into svādhyāya (self-introspection): While certainly Black people and people outside the US are welcome to read this, I am a white woman, and it is generally intended to speak to the perspective and perhaps shared experience of other...

by Dr. Claudia Welch With a crazy percentage (and that link is to an article that only includes percentages of the leading causes of death; there are many other causes we'd have to add) of disease being caused by poor lifestyle (stress, overwork, too much or...

We have scheduled a roughly one hour, free, live Q&A Zoom session with Dr. Welch, for questions on content of either of our online courses: Women's Health & Hormones Part I: Hormonal Balance & Stagnation or Women's Health & Hormones Part II: Srotorodha & the...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.