menopause Tag

Dr. Welch talks with Kate O'Donnell about the following: Shifting Focus on Women's Health The conversation on women's health initially focused on external factors. However, there is currently more awareness of the importance of internal nourishment and rest. Rest and nourishment are crucial for maintaining balance with...

Dr. Welch speaks with Kate O'Donnell about the following: Shifting Focus on Women's Health The conversation on women's health initially focused on external factors. However, there is currently more awareness of the importance of internal nourishment and rest. Rest and nourishment are crucial for maintaining balance with...

In her first episode of her new, "Changing Seasons" Podcast, Jody Vassallo, old associate of Dr. Welch, talks with Dr Claudia Welch about perimenopause and menopause through an Ayurvedic lens. Jody and Claudia chat about: The importance of using the medicine of subtraction in our lives ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] In this podcast episode, Dr. Avanti Kumar Singh engages Dr. Claudia Welch in an insightful discussion about menopause from an Ayurvedic perspective. Dr. Welch elaborates on menopause as a significant life transition, comparing it to the four stages of life, emphasizing its spiritual, emotional,...

Alert husband Jim recently noticed a report on a study exploring the link between menopause and longevity. The study shows that the evolution of menopause in toothed whales is strikingly similar to the evolution of menopause in humans. Menopause in both species came about through the...

New: Menopause Chronicles, an honest conversation about transformation with Dr. Claudia Welch and friends.